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Stay out of Ukraine!

26 January 2022

The beleaguered Johnson government, supported by the Labour Party, is stoking up the danger of war in Ukraine by sending in heavy weapons and covert forces, by a disinformation campaign, and by rejecting diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict.

AUKUS: the path to war

18 September 2021

The USA, Britain and Australia announced a new security pact on 15 September. Known as AUKUS, it is intended to set the direction and focus of Britain’s foreign and security policy for the long term.

No more imperialist wars!

After twenty years of occupation the Taliban has swept back into power without a fight. Neither the British nor the US governments had the slightest clue how quickly this would happen. But then imperialists never do understand other countries (any more than they understand their own).

US combat operations in Iraq ended

27 July 2021

On 26 July, the US government declared the end of combat operations in Iraq. This is most welcome, although long overdue. Almost 20 years overdue, in fact.

Defence and independence

12 April 2021

What should Britain’s relations be with other nations? There’s a straightforward working-class response to that – and it’s not “Global Britain”.

No to the ‘Asian NATO’!

29 January 2021

The government needs to be reminded that we didn’t vote for independence only to join in attempts to carve up the globe in the interests of imperialsm.

US dumps nuclear treaty

8 February 2019

With all the news about Brexit, the US’s decision to withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty seems to have slipped under the radar.

Hands off Syria

With an opinion poll indicating that only 22 per cent of people in Britain support military action against Syria, Theresa May ordered the RAF to launch strikes – pre-empting debate in parliament.

Stop the EU war machine!

During the 2016 referendum those who warned that the EU was developing its own army were dismissed as fantasists. Instead, we were told the EU had kept the peace in Europe. The truth is totally different…

