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The boiler tax is back

21 October 2024

The new government wants to revive a policy of its predecessor to increase heat pump take up by taxing gas boilers. Its enthusiasm for net zero makes it blind to the reason why the idea was dropped.

Rally against fuel payment cuts

11 October 2024

Pensioners held rallies in London and Belfast on Monday 7 October for the restoration of the winter fuel payment. As well as the direct financial effect those in fuel poverty will suffer worse health, increasing demand on the NHS

Electricity imports at record high

11 October 2024

Electricity imports from continental Europe have hit a record high. Britain increasingly depends on undersea cables, with risks to both continuity of supply and prices.

North Sea oil flowing – for now

26 August 2024

The new government is sticking to its energy policy guns with decisions likely to ruin North Sea oil and gas exploitation and risk Britain’s energy security.

Rush to huge solar farms

26 August 2024

Labour is pushing through the previous government’s energy policy. It has approved even more large scale solar farms despite opposition and with no debate.

Union says no to a ban on oil exploration

30 May 2024

The Unite trade union has launched a major campaign against a ban on oil and gas exploration in the North Sea. It says a transition in energy supply should not sacrifice energy security and workers’ jobs for net zero targets.

Opposing wind power dogma in Wales

10 April 2024

The devolved government in Wales continues to approve ever larger wind turbines despite objections in pursuit of its dogmatic net zero path. But there is opposition.

Onshore wind compulsion

10 April 2024

Onshore wind farms are not the answer to Britain’s energy security, but politicians seem to think compulsion will bring people round to accepting them.

Nuclear Energy – Essential for Britain’s Energy Security

Wednesday 15 November 2023 19:30

Wednesday 15 November 2023, 7.30pm

Bertrand Russell Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

For too long British government energy policy has been dominated by superstitious and dogmatic opposition to developing our nuclear energy potential.  How can we overcome this? 

Come and join the discussion. All welcome. Free Entry.

Blow to renewable energy policy

28 September 2023

The government’s approach to future energy supply depends heavily on wind power, dedicated as it is to net zero aims. But it’s as much off course with wind as it is with nuclear energy.

Net zero – wider discussion needed

25 September 2023

Rishi Sunak has postponed the ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles and gas boilers. This is welcome but only a first step in challenging net zero orthodoxy.

Nuclear Energy – Essential for Britain’s Energy Security

Wednesday 29 November 2023 19:00

Wednesday 29 November 2023, 7.00pm

Upstairs, The Piccadilly Tap, Gateway House, Station Approach, Manchester M1 2GH

For too long British government energy policy has been dominated by superstitious and dogmatic opposition to developing our nuclear energy potential.  How can we overcome this? 

Come and join the discussion. All welcome. Free Entry.

Energy: our future

Tuesday 12 September 2023 19:00

Energy is an essential for human survival, for industry. Yet capitalism inflates prices for industrial and home users, and refuses to plan for reliable energy for Britain's future. So workers must. What should such a plan be?

Come and discuss. Email info@cpbml.org.uk for an invitation

“Net Zero” plans in disarray

16 February 2023

The government’s net zero strategy continues to falter. Last year the High Court said its failure to produce evidence for the policy was in breach of the law, it shows no sign of relasing the data.

Energy workers in struggle

11 February 2023

Offshore oil workers on two BP platforms are taking action on pay and rotas. Other energy sector workers, both offshore and onshore, are pressing their own pay claims.

Energy independence

Tuesday 8 November 2022 19:00

With energy bills soaring and permanent uncertainty about supply, Britain's increasing energy dependence on imported fuel and carbon-free electricity is proving costly and dangerous. What’s the way forward?

Email info@cpbml.org.uk for an invitation.

Energy – capitalist failures

16 May 2022

Deregulation of energy supply is a costly failure for British consumers. But some of those responsible for the failed businesses just walk away and start up new ones.

