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What is Internationalism?

18 March 2023

Control over borders is the best way for a country to develop its economy and benefit its people. Such self-determination and independence serve the cause of workers everywhere.

The inexorable road to World War One

22 June 2022

World War One scarred the twentieth century with over 16 million dead and millions more injured, brought about by competition between great imperialst powers. It's lessons are relevant still.

No to the ‘Asian NATO’!

29 January 2021

The government needs to be reminded that we didn’t vote for independence only to join in attempts to carve up the globe in the interests of imperialsm.

1917 - 1920: the Russian Civil War

20 August 2019

The October Revolution of 1917 triumphed decisively in Russia. Anti-popular forces soon conspired to overturn the new era; soldiers from many countries invaded to combat the revolution, but failed.

The USA: a force bad for the world

23 November 2015

The WikiLeaks files of US State Department cables reveal how the US government operates in world affairs. This book provides a thorough analysis of the different ways the US government keeps its power.

Iraq: tragedy and farce

Karl Marx famously wrote that history repeats itself – the first time as tragedy, then as farce. That sums up the contortions that the US is twisting itself into over Iraq, shabbily abetted by Cameron.

Waging wars abroad

Capitalism not only generates periodic world war but also on a regular basis unleashes war against individual nations, unable to tolerate others’ independence or accept restrictions on their influence

War and capitalism

Of the many unacceptable costs of living with capitalism, probably the biggest is its periodic tendency to generate orgies of mutual slaughter that originate in the same way. Contradictions and economic conflicts between capitalist blocs become increasingly antagonistic then eventually erupt into global wars.

Labour aristocracy

Anxious to work out why the oldest working class, the British, had avoided moving to revolution, external commentators at the height of empire concocted a false argument in an effort to explain away this behaviour. In some circles it is still lazily dispensed a century or so later.
