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Now finish the job

18 June 2019

The latest attempt by would-be Brexit wreckers was defeated in Parliament last week. But the job is not yet done. They will try again.

Seize the mood

6 May 2019

The mood is hardening for a clean Leave and against any dodgy deals cooked up by May or Corbyn that are Brexit in name only. The call for Brexit must become a resounding roar.

May abandons control

25 March 2019

By her visit last week to Brussels, Theresa May has finally abandoned all pretence that she aims to deliver Brexit.

Brexit: beware the saboteurs

10 February 2019

Brexit is in danger. Despite the defeat in parliament on 29 January of every binding amendment to block or delay Brexit – including Labour’s permanent customs union – parliament is still strongly against leaving.

Hands off Venezuela!

28 January 2019

There can be little doubt who is behind the flagrant interference in the affairs of a sovereign nation.

A coup against democracy

13 January 2019

As the delayed vote on Theresa May’s “withdrawal” agreement approaches, it has become increasingly obvious that parliament is planning a coup. 

Message to May: just go

11 December 2018

If May is allowed to remain in office, there will be no Brexit – just interminable pretend negotiations. She has to go.

What next after the Brexit betrayal?

15 November 2018

This is a betrayal unprecedented in British history. Parliament must vote to reject it. And this traitor Cabinet must be replaced by one willing to obey the people’s instruction to leave the EU.

Labour's Brexit betrayal

2 October 2018

Labour has aligned itself with those in Westminster who want to betray Britain, betray the trust that people put in the referendum process, and betray democracy itself. 

Walk away

11 June 2018

The tangled Brexit negotiations are designed to trap us in the EU net. But there is a solution: the government must walk away from the table.

Hands off Syria

With an opinion poll indicating that only 22 per cent of people in Britain support military action against Syria, Theresa May ordered the RAF to launch strikes – pre-empting debate in parliament.

