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Reject the election trap, prepare for struggle!

24 May 2024

Workers looking for change will not find it from the general election. Whatever the result, the tasks for our class will be the same. Workers are the only force for progress: accept that challenge and prepare to fight for it.

Sign of the times – people care: a reader writes

8 September 2023

We received this letter from a Workers reader in east London about a recent shopping trip. Although it was a novel experience, this may be happening around Britain more often than we realise. The challenge is how not let this go to waste – to act and not just grumble.

What is Internationalism?

18 March 2023

Control over borders is the best way for a country to develop its economy and benefit its people. Such self-determination and independence serve the cause of workers everywhere.

What is the working class?

Back in the nineteenth century Karl Marx wrote that society was dividing into two great hostile classes: the workers, and those who live from exploiting the labour of others. It’s a perfect description of Britain today…

