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Rolls-Royce aero engines: fight to keep British jobs

5 September 2015

In the midst of significant investment on the back of large order books workers at aero engine giant Rolls-Royce have cooperated with the company during closures, restructuring and redundancies. But where has this left the British workforce?

Where have all the teachers gone?

2 September 2015

Statistics quietly released at the end of August tell a devastating story: we are heading for a full-blown teacher supply crisis. For the third year running, ministerial recruitment targets fell woefully short.

Disbelief as BBC dumps Met Office

31 August 2015

The BBC’s decision to exclude the Met Office from tendering for its weather forecasts has been met with general incredulity from the forecasters’ union, Prospect.

River staff threaten strike action

31 August 2015

Crew members and others who staff some of the Thames river boats, such as Thames Clippers and City Cruises, have voted unanimously to go out on strike for improved pay and conditions.

