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Irish farmers protest

7 August 2019

Beef farmers in Ireland have held a series of protests calling on their government and the EU for support.

Horticulture plans for the future

6 December 2018

The horticultural industry is becoming clear about what is needed to secure the sector’s future post-Brexit. Growing more in Britain would offer economic gains and increase biosecurity according to a recent report.

Feeding an independent Britain

Thursday 2 February 2017 19:30

CPBML Public Meeting, Thursday 2 February, 7.30pm

Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Hard hit by the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, British agriculture now has a chance with Brexit to be what it should be: a plentiful source of healthy food – and of better employment too. Come and discuss. All welcome.

Farmers march for a future

23 March 2016

Farmers from all over the UK marched to Downing Street on Wednesday 23 March to demand a future for British farming.

TTIP 'danger to environment', say MPs

15 March 2015

​A report from MPs says proposals in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership treaty pose dangers for the environment, animal welfare and public health in Europe.

