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Capitalism: leading to an early grave

23 November 2015

A book by eminent researcher Sir Michael Marmot shows that people at relative social disadvantage suffer worse health and live shorter lives and gives evidence about how that can be prevented. 

The USA: a force bad for the world

23 November 2015

The WikiLeaks files of US State Department cables reveal how the US government operates in world affairs. This book provides a thorough analysis of the different ways the US government keeps its power.

Winter kills: fuel poverty on the rise

23 November 2015

On Wednesday 25 November, figures will be announced for the number of additional winter deaths of older people due to cold-related illnesses – and black balloons will be released to indicate the scale of fuel poverty in Britain.

Hunt misses every target

15 November 2015

The NHS in England continues to miss many key targets, such as those for emergency responses and cancer care. A&E departments face a “perfect storm” this winter.

OECD indicators indict Britain's health spending

9 November 2015

The latest indictment of Britain’s spending on health has come from a formidable source – the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the club of leading capitalist countries.

Students fight against fees and debt

5 November 2015

Students from 60 university campuses across Britain converged on the Department of Business Innovation and Skills on Wednesday 4 November to call for an end to tuition fees and debt.

