US Imperialism - South China Sea
The US Navy is now regularly patrolling in the South China Sea.
The US Navy is now regularly patrolling in the South China Sea.
12 April 2021
What should Britain’s relations be with other nations? There’s a straightforward working-class response to that – and it’s not “Global Britain”.
In the wake of Joe Biden’s renewal of US commitment to NATO, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has signed what is essentially a declaration of war against Russia.
29 January 2021
The government needs to be reminded that we didn’t vote for independence only to join in attempts to carve up the globe in the interests of imperialsm.
US President Donald Trump’s rundown of ground forces in Afghanistan was accompanied by an escalation in the air war – resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths...
The EU and NATO are ramping up hostilities in eastern Europe…
10 January 2020
Unable to reverse its falling rate of profit, capital is increasingly turning to adventures abroad.
8 February 2019
With all the news about Brexit, the US’s decision to withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty seems to have slipped under the radar.
Driven by the jostling of aggressive empires, the First World War undermined the working classes of Europe at a point when they were in an upswing…
With an opinion poll indicating that only 22 per cent of people in Britain support military action against Syria, Theresa May ordered the RAF to launch strikes – pre-empting debate in parliament.
During the 2016 referendum those who warned that the EU was developing its own army were dismissed as fantasists. Instead, we were told the EU had kept the peace in Europe. The truth is totally different…
16 April 2018
Like its predecessors – the governments led by David Cameron and Tony Blair – our government has shown it is willing to allow British blood to be shed to back up US imperialism.
5 February 2018
The USA has announced a new "defence" strategy. It's really about warmongering and how to defeat opponents at any cost.
21 December 2017
It’s been revealed that a massive hack of South Korean military computers unveiled plans to assassinate North Korea's leadership and invade the country. No wonder the country is developing its missile capability.
11 December 2017
On 13 November the government dramatically drew back from EU military integration schemes. It now refuses to absorb Britain’s armed forces into a Euro army and in doing has shown it respects our decision.
Stop the EU War Machine!
CPBML Public Meeting, Tuesday 20 February, 6.30 pm [note time]
Brockway Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
During the referendum campaign anyone who mentioned the development of a European army and a common defence policy was dismissed by the establishment as a fantasist. Now everything is out in the open – and it's taking shape in front of our very eyes. Come and discuss. All welcome.
16 October 2017
Christopher Nolan’s film Dunkirk, is an evocative but unusual portrayal of the evacuation of the British and French armies from the French port in June 1940. Joshua Levine’s fascinating book gives a more complete picture of why Dunkirk is of such singular importance.
11 September 2017
US and British diplomats are leading the charge for war against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the pretext of trying to find a peaceful solution, but are in reality preparing for war.
25 April 2017
With the US ramping up tension with North Korea, it’s as well to remember that the US has form in Korea.
A journalist looks at the consequences – throughout the Middle East – of the 2003 invasion of Iraq…
One of the worst lies told in the referendum was that the EU is a force for peace. The opposite is true, and the vote to leave holds out the prospect of a reduction of the risk of war…
The Chilcot Inquiry into the 2003 Iraq war finally reported in July. The evidence itself speaks volumes…
25 August 2016
Moves to create a European Army are accelerating – despite the assertions of the Remain campaign that the idea was purely Leave hysteria.
As we await the long-delayed publication of Chilcot’s inquiry into the Iraq War, here’s a reminder of the costs of medieval invasions of the Middle East…
This issue we review two books that look back on the Spanish Civil War, and one on a more modern conflict – the dirty war that the CIA has been waging in Syria…
In the “war against terror”, British governments have wilfully ignored the best ways of fighting it. It won’t be defeated by smart missiles or drones. It won’t be defeated by toppling secular governments.
David Cameron has got his way, and the RAF is bombing Syria. We will all live to regret the despicable vote in parliament which saw the bombing authorised. MPs voted for invasion and death. Then they laughed.
3 December 2015
David Cameron has got his way, and the RAF is bombing Syria. We will all live to regret the despicable vote in parliament last night which saw the bombing authorised.
23 November 2015
The WikiLeaks files of US State Department cables reveal how the US government operates in world affairs. This book provides a thorough analysis of the different ways the US government keeps its power.
Extracted from poppies, opium is a highly addictive drug, though it can serve as a medicine. By the end of the 17th century, non-medicinal drug use of opium had appeared in China, particularly around the port of Canton (now know as Guangzhou), where most foreign merchants traded.